What you listen to says a lot about who you are. We wanted to build an immersive digital experience that is truly unique; one that hinges on the concept of discovery and personal taste, and uses AI to seamlessly and intrinsically correlate real-time visuals, music, user behavior and data analysis.
The background
The brand new Nissan Kicks was hitting the road running. It was bold. It was technologically advanced. We knew its launch had to be something big, loud and unforgettable.

The execution
The Nissan Kicks website is nothing short of stunning—build with the absolute latest in technology, including a React framework, WebGL animations, responsive UIL and ultra-styled elements throughout. We also created a sleek music visualizer, and partnered with Spotify to tap into each user’s music preference.
Besides its good looks, the site has some serious algorithmic wizardry, providing each user with a “Fresh Score”—a number that rates how fresh their music taste is. After they log into their account, users’ listening history are analyzed and rated zero to 100 based on the average time it takes them to find a new track or how aligned they are to Spotify influencers.
The end reward? A dynamically generated super-fresh new playlist for each user that they can jam out to on their next big drive.

The results
Nissan fans with fresh taste in music flocked to the Nissan Kicks experience to have their playlists rated. And they were introduced to the latest from Nissan in the freshest way possible.

Conception Creative Director
Release Date