‘Finding out your own plastic footprint hits differently when it’s not just a plain number but an accurate visualization of how much plastic that actually is. Corona’s Plastic Reality shows how small, everyday choices can have a big impact in the long term, and inspires people to take part in protecting the planet.’
The background
Corona committed to changing its practices and became the first global beverage brand to achieve a net-zero plastic footprint. They wanted to challenge consumers to join them in living with less plastic. So we built an immersive mobile experience that lets people visualize the impact of their own individual plastic footprint.

The execution
The Corona Plastic Reality AR experience educates consumers on how much plastic they generate each year and shows them how to reduce their plastic footprint. After calculating their average plastic use with a six-question quiz, it visualizes what all the plastic they use actually looks like in their own home. To further emphasize the point, the experience also shows how that plastic pollutes oceans and beaches around the world.

Our team built a complex WebAR experience with multiple layers and 360º video. First, the trash piles up in the user’s home environment. Then, a portal transports them to a beach. We put a lot of thought into the design and movement of the 3D plastic objects: How should they fall into a heap? How should they blow in the wind? How do they move on a hardwood floor vs. on a sandy beach?
The results
We used shock value to show people their year in plastic, and it worked. Corona: Plastic Reality went live just in time for World Oceans Week, and clickthrough engagement rates to take action were extremely high. Telling people that plastic pollution is a problem is one thing, but actually showing them a physical representation of how much plastic they use and throw away had a much bigger impact.

Creative Director
Release Date