Airbnb invites families to come together and define what their next vacation might look like through a series of mobile-first, smart logic interactions.
When it comes to taking the perfect vacation—especially the perfect family vacation—it’s sometimes difficult to choose a dream destination that makes everyone happy. But since Airbnb truly has a place for everyone, they wanted to help families discover their personality type and start dreaming of their next destination.
This mobile-first, cross platform experience takes the form of a delightful personality quiz – developed in partnership with the School of Life – that groups families into one of five personality types using smart evaluation logic. Future vacationers swipe left (no thanks!) or right (that’s us!) after contemplating each full-screen snapshot from a trip. Does your family turn out to be The Adventurers or are they more like The Chameleons? Airbnb is the interactive portal to find out.

The results of the quiz draws from a pool of images, connecting each family to relevant destinations from Airbnb and encouraging them to start exploring and planning. Each image is weighted on the backend, and a bespoke algorithm evaluates the responses and generates the most suitable result. Families also get a video touting their family’s personality type to share out with their friends.
A social media teaser video kicked off the experience, asking viewers what personality type their family fits in and driving them to the quiz.
Airbnb Family Quiz offers a playful way to reveal a family’s motivation for travel. Airbnb Family Trips helps families define what kind of personality type they have. And who knows? Families may end up agreeing on their dream destination, creating unforgettable memories along the way.

“It was important to us to create a mobile-first visual questionnaire experience that was a playful and fun way to discover what type of holidays your family enjoys.”
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